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Volunteer Appreciation Award Nomination Form

The Township of Greater Madawaska relies on the contributions of volunteers and their organizations whose efforts contribute significantly to the quality of life in our community. We see volunteers supporting family, friends, neighbours and strangers and we recognize the value of caring, compassion and community engagement that is shown regularly in Greater Madawaska. National Volunteer Week in April is a time to celebrate, recognize and thank volunteers and create awareness for the important work that many people do in and for our Township.

Award of any nominee is at the sole discretion of the Township. Nominees chosen as award recipients will be invited to attend the Canada Day Event in the Ward of their choice, where they will be recognized and thanked for their generous efforts.

Nominees must be a resident or own a business in the Township of Greater Madawaska. Achievements and contributions must be on a volunteer basis and not for pay.

Please be advised the information contained in this form will be considered by the Township and if the nominee is chosen, the information will be used to produce the recognition information.

Nomination Deadline: April 20, 2024

Volunteer Award Category (choose one)


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