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Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement

The Township of Greater Madwaska offers a Pre-Authorized Debit Plan for the payment of property taxes. Taxpayers who wish to enroll in the plan must pay all taxes in full prior to the application. 

The plan will consist of monthly payments based on the previous year's tax levy. The monthly amount will be adjusted when the final taxes are levied in order to pay the account in full by the end of the year. If there is a change in your assessment your pre-authorized payment will be adjusted according to the amount.


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I/we have read and understand the terms of this agreement and hereby authorize the Township of Greater Madawaska to debit my/our bank account for the monthly payment amount, that will be provided by email after the submission of this form, on the 15th of each month. This authorization may be cancelled at any time upon thirty days prior written notice. I/we will inform the Township of Greater Madawaska, in writing, of any change in the account information provided above. A $50.00 NSF fee will be applied to your acount if the funds are returned by the bank. The Township of Greater Madawaska reserves the right to delete the account from the plan if two payments are in default. 


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