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Email Consent Form

The Township of Greater Madawaska offers residents the opportunity to receive Municipal notices by email rather than regular mail. Complete the information below for customer acknowledgement and consent.

Please check what type of notices you would like to receive:

The Township of Greater Madawaska does not collect information for commercial or marketing purposes, and Greater Madawaska does not sell, exchange, or otherwise distribute the information collected through this document for commercial or marketing purposes. The Township collects and uses only the minimum information needed to meet the purpose for which the collection is required. The Township of Greater Madawaska wil not -under any circumstances- use any information provided by way of this document for any purpose that is inconsistent with the purpose for which the information was provided.

Consent to the use of email for the delivery of municipal notices includes agreement with the following:

  1. Failure to receive an emailed municipal notice does not release me from my responsibility to pay any charges specified in the notice, or any penalities which may be incurred by late payment.
  2. I will inform the Township of Greater Madawaska of any change in my email adddress as soon as possible, to prevent the misdirection of notices and reduce the risk of my not receieving a notice.
  3. I may withdraw from email delivery at any time. To do so I will inform the Township of Greater Madawaska, and all notices which were previously emailed to me will be sent by regular mail.

The Township of Greater Madawaska will use reasonable means to protect the security and confidentiality of email information sent and received. However, because of the risks outlines above, the Municipality cannot guarantee the security and confidentiality of email communication and will not be liable for imporper disclosure of confidential information. For this reason, the customer must consent to the use of email for delivery of Municipal notices.

I acknowledge that i have read and fully understand this document, and consent to the delivery of specific municipal notices for the Township of Greater Madawaska to me by email.


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